Study in View of the Further Development of DCAT-AP CH

The Swiss application profile of DCAT (DCAT- AP CH) is the Swiss metadata standard used to facilitate cross-platform search and exchange of catalog data between different data portals in Switzerland. It is a national derivation of the European application profile of the Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT-AP) and the metadata standard currently in use on the Swiss Open Government Data Portal On behalf of the Swiss Federal Archives, the Bern University of Applied Sciences has conducted a study concerning further development of the Swiss application profile of DCAT, the results of which are presented in this report. The study considers both the developments at the international level and the needs and requirements of the main stakeholder groups in Switzerland. It is based on desk research, expert interviews with representatives of key stakeholder groups, and input gathered during a meeting with the eCH Specialized Group “Open Government Data”, who is responsible for the maintenance of DCAT-AP CH.